Week 4 in Bloomington

Life has settled into a routine: I go to the farmer’s market every two weeks, go buy groceries once a week every Monday, go to the libraries (public and school) every Sunday, and so on. The routine may not be the most exciting, but it’s comforting. Grad school is going well — hard to believe … Continue reading

Labor Day Weekend

Today was rather unexpected. Went to the library, checked out things, went to Red Mango, had my first Red Mango froyo which was delicious (pina colada + pomegranate, amiright) and got some reading done (I did NOT know that Eliot wrote a short story), went to the public library and checked out more books, found … Continue reading

Music as Food

About a month ago, at a piano concert, one of the AMF piano fellows mentioned that in their attempt to put together a coherent program, they ended up putting together something that resembled “the appetizer platter at TGI Friday’s.” I commented on Facebook later that I didn’t think this was a Bad Thing necessarily, and … Continue reading

What’s in my cup, August

Apple cinnamon tea, Lipton. Long-form blog posts are exhausting. Going to spend the day with a friend in Providence.

Cama Coffee (咖啡)

I recently saw a picture on Facebook of one of my professors exploring Korean coffee culture during a visit to South Korea. The accompanying picture seemed more like a milk than a coffee. I was a little hard pressed to remember whether there was anything unique about Taiwanese coffee culture, other than coffee green tea … Continue reading